viernes, 18 de abril de 2008

Just Say No!**

"Belly dance" is a dance of seduction. "Belly dance" was used by concubines to win the sultans favor. "Belly dance" is the eastern equivalent of strip tease. In a word - Erroneous!

When someone makes a statement that falls into the above category, counter myth with fact, explain that: Traditionally in Muslim society men and women live in separate quarters of the house. The section where the women and children live is referred to as the harem. We, in the West, often have an image of a harem being young, semi nude concubines, fanning themselves while lolling on pillows waiting to 'please' the master of the house. This concept was surely formed by fantasy paintings and written works from the Orientalist period and perpetuated in contemporary media. However our fantasy and the reality couldn't be farther apart.

As stated earlier, a harem is the women and children's quarters of a domicile. The word itself means forbidden. That is because males, who are not immediate relatives, are not allowed to enter the harem. It is forbidden. In Muslim society, women are shielded from unknown men and this is one way that is carried out.

While some Muslim women work outside of the home or attend school, many women occupy the role of home maker. As home maker, women cook, clean, care for their children and may also visit with girlfriends and female relatives. This is one context where dance may play a part in a woman's life.

For women whose movement is traditionally very structured, going to the cinema, joining a health club or any activity outside of the home where a male relative is not chaperoning is generally unfeasible. But woman can and do socialize with each other in their homes. And dance is a diversion that can be enjoyed by and for each other in the harem.

Outside of the home dance was and is commonplace during festive occasions. In gender segregated celebrations, dance was done by both sexes spontaneously and was not seen as performance but as a social/celebratory activity. For centuries the dance has also been used in these gender separate/social contexts.

Today celebrations may or may not be gender separate. Often a band and a professional dancer are hired for festivities. After the professional dancer has retired the musicians continue to play and this is the time for party goers to dance. If it is a mixed gender crowd some women may be reluctant to hit the dance floor. But either way the spirit of the dance is one of celebration, socializing and informal entertainment.

**Artículo por Salomé, tomado de

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